Sawa World Solution Centre has impacted nearly 37,000 vulnerable youth in Uganda, providing large-scale access to solutions that promise to lift them out of extreme poverty. How does something this remarkable happen?  By people talking to people, spreading smart ideas and innovation. Asiimwe Prisila, for instance, learned to make liquid soap, then generously shared her new-found expertise within her community. In the last 3 months, the Solution Centre has hosted 11 workshops and 25 events, welcoming over 111 youth to the centre.

The wildly successful “Get A Taste” open house held every Saturday at the Solution Centre attracts people ready to have their lives changed within days. Notebooks in hand, young people eagerly watch short “how to” Solution videos and attend interactive workshops. They’re introduced to easy-to-replicate methods in urban gardening, making bagiya (noodles), bowls from waste paper, liquid soap, and products that reap profits. New ideas are constantly tested at the Centre, ready to flourish and bloom.

Ready to learn more? ‘Get a taste’ of Sawa World Solution Centre’s exciting activities at: